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Our Key Leadershipâ„¢ Program is a great starting point in designing the right leadership development program for your organization

KPC's Key Leadership™ Program is designed to help organizations improve their capability across the leadership spectrum, but one size doesn't fit all. Too many development initiatives rest on the assumption that the same group of leadership skills or leadership style is appropriate regardless of strategy, operating environment, and organizational culture - this is simply not true.

When an organization identifies and develops the leadership capabilities essential for success in its operating environment, it achieves far better outcomes. 

Our experience and research tell us that leaders operate in three general environments:

  • Front-line  - leaders are directly involved with the day-to-day execution of the organization's mission.

  • Mid-level - leaders whose influence stems from their key role in project management, tasks, resource allocation, supervision of deadlines and people, and performance management. 

  • Senior-level - leaders that lead leaders and work up, down, and across the organization.


While there are some crossover skills, each operating environment presents its own challenges for a leader. Recognizing this is important as a leader is not automatically ready for a higher level operating environment simply because she has mastered her present environment. Based on this understanding, our Key Leadership™ Program address the challenges leaders face in each operating environment. 

New Leaders

Key Leadership™ Program: Skills for New Leaders

Begin with the End in Mind - Explicitly developed for front-line leads and newly promoted supervisors. This program introduces new leaders to the skills needed to be successful.


The transition from individual contributor to leader is critical for new leaders and their organization―getting it right is essential.


This program consists of twelve learning modules consolidated into five half-day workshops designed to take new leaders from the basic understanding of what it means to be a leader in your organization to develop the skills to lead others and oneself successfully. Modules include:



  1. Success Insights DISC® Assessment


Module 1: Defining Leadership

Module 2: Roles and Responsibilities

Module 3: Building Positive Relations

Module 4: Expectations for Employees

Module 5: Assigning Work

Module 6: Delegating

Module 7: Performance Coaching

Module 9: Self-leadership

Module 10: Resolving Conflict

Module 11: Tips for Special Situations

Module 12: A Survival Guide for the New Leader


A typical workshop introduces several leadership skills and principles, connecting theory with praxis in your organization, and requires a modicum of“homework” in the form of practical exercises to be completed before the next workshop.


New leader training has far-reaching benefits.  Beginning with the end in mind - when you enable a new leader’s success, you enable everyone's success in your organization. The success of leadership training always depends on how and when it is done – sooner is better.


Direct benefits from this program include increased productivity, improved safety, lower turnover, future leader engagement, increased employee engagement, better decision-making, and an effective leadership style for your organization.


Key Leadership© Program: Leading from the Middle

In a world of internally driven change, organizations rely on mid-level leaders to execute strong visioning, influencing, and engagement skills to keep their teams productive and results-focused. Their role is to translate the organization's strategy into action. This project-based program is designed for Senior and Middle managers and provides them with the best tools and practices for today’s management challenges while preparing them for greater leadership capacity and responsibility.



  1. Talent Insights (Integrated DISC and Motivators or Driving Forces)

    • By linking type and leadership behaviors, the participant is provided practical suggestions to increase their effectiveness in motivating others, improve productivity and job satisfaction, and refine awareness of their leadership style while discovering self-imposed barriers to development.

  2. Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)

    • Facilitates learning to use five practical, situation-specific styles for dealing with conflict effectively (competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding, accommodating).

  3. Have an existing or new change-project to actively work during the program​.


Through five half-day sessions, participants learn:

  • The importance of the middle manager role in organizations

  • Where good leadership comes from

  • Their preferred style of leadership and how best to leverage it

  • How to lead and manage teams for positive organizational outcomes

  • Change Leadership

  • Developing Others

  • How to successfully navigate organizational politics to achieve business results

  • How to best implement a strategy to strengthen your team's competitive advantage

  • Effective decision making in challenging situations

  • How to extend business alliances and proactively facilitate change across your organization

  • How to focus on individual and team strengths to enhance talent capability and performance

  • How to lead in a diverse workplace


Key Leadership© Program: Executive Leadership Development


Developed for:

  • Experienced managers who lead other leaders and senior professionals.

  • Operational, groups, or departmental executive leaders.

  • Leaders who work up, down, and across the organization.


This program is designed to help mid-to-senior-level leaders illuminate challenges and strengthen their ability to get the results that matter to their organizations. Some of the challenges many leaders face include getting other leaders to work together, collaborating across the organization, mastering complexity, and competing priorities from all fronts.


During this five-day immersive program, leaders will learn how to lead up, down, and across the organization effectively. They will learn about themselves and their context – developing the ability to adapt to different situations and get things done through others. They will build the confidence to own the role of leader and unlock their potential. Seven key competencies are developed during this five-day program:



OD (360) Surveys™

TriMetrix® HD

Emotional Quotient™ (EQ)


  1. Self-awareness

  2. Learning agility / Collaborative Problem Solving

  3. Executive Presence / Communication

  4. Influence

  5. Designing Organizational Culture

  6. Creating Star Performers

  7. Unconscious Bias


By mastering these competencies, leaders will be able to:

  • Communicate direction, achieve alignment, and build commitment to bridge the gap between senior leadership and the front line.

  • Gain critical perspectives, create buy-in, and manage politics through collaboration.

  • Solve complicated problems and take wise action amidst complex, rapidly changing conditions.

  • Build resiliency and leverage multiple life roles to manage stress effectively. 

The three levels of the Key Leadershipâ„¢ Program can be a proven stand-alone leadership development effort or combined and customized to meet your organization's needs. Let us help you explore the opportunities.​

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